ALCO-Safe > Products > Alcohol Testing - Breathalysers > Breathalyser Key Management System
Alcohol Testing - Breathalysers

Category: Alcohol Testing Breathalysers

Breathalyser Key Management System
Ensure drivers take keys and return them sober

This intelligent key cabinet incorporates a built-in breathlyser, to ensure that only sober individuals can take keys and that they return them sober! Upon trying to remove the keys from the cabinet the breathalyser will switch on and the user will have to blow an alcohol free sample in order to remove the keys. A positive test will result in the keys remaining locked and an email notification being sent to his manager. When returning the key, the cabinet can be setup to require the user to provide a breath sample once again.

Keys are placed into the receptor strips within the cabinet which lock them into place. Only a user that has been loaded onto the system through biometrics or pin will be able to gain access to the particular set of keys that he has been given access to.

The key cabinets can hold anything from 20 to 540 keys. Notification for other reminders such as expired driver or vehicle permits can also be setup. Restrictions on the times the keys can be removed can be put into place. At the click of a button, a full audit trail shows who took keys, when they were removed and when they were returned as well as any other records or actions within the cabinet.

Outstanding features include:>

Click on the link below to download the Breathalyser Key Management System brochure:


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